A Comparative Analysis of Middle school physical education Curriculum between Korea and Japan 인문 사회과학편 : 한일체육교육과정(韓日體育敎育課程)의 비교분석(比較分析) (중학교(中學校)를 중심(中心)으로)
31(2) 7-34, 1992
A Comparative Analysis of Middle school physical education Curriculum between Korea and Japan 인문 사회과학편 : 한일체육교육과정(韓日體育敎育課程)의 비교분석(比較分析) (중학교(中學校)를 중심(中心)으로)
The Physical education curriculum can be regarded as a system which consists of teaching contents selected validly on the baa is of the goal Physical education.
The purpose of this study is to analyse characteristics, trends, composition, and contents of Physical education curriculum between Korea and Japan, and then to recognize what the implication of this analysis may contribute to Korea Physical education curriculum.
The results of the analysis is like the following :
(1) The system, charactersistics, and need of Physical education are generally similar in both countries.
(2) Although Physical education is a compulsory subject in both countries. there is a difference of allotting class time(period). Even if both countries provide 105 periods for Physical education, there is a lack of 25~30 periods in korea in terms of practical total class time.
(3) The contents of Physical education in both Korea and Japan consist of theory, practical talent, and health, however, in Japanese curriculm 35 periods are allotted to the section of health in the 3rd year students.
(4) As for the section of practical talent, while in Japan practical talent is effectively instructed by considering the variables such as regional characteristics, school situations, teachers' capability, etc., in korea the content of teaching involves too much without considering the relevant variables mentioned above. Thus, Korea teachers and student together seem to have too heavy burden, which may be one of the reasons that growing students have frustration, emotional instability, tension, etc.
(5) Both countries are almost similar in teaching methods and testing. What is different, in Korea the attitude is presented in the teaching goal while presented in the unit in Japan. In addition to this, in Japan teaching methods and testing are managed effectively depending upon the number of students and school circumstances.
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인문 사회과학편 : 신체교육(身體敎育)의 사상(思想)과 철학적(哲學的) 접근(接近)
31(2) 35-44, 1992
인문 사회과학편 : 신체교육(身體敎育)의 사상(思想)과 철학적(哲學的) 접근(接近)
To understand the profounder philosophy of physical education, this study discussed the diverse philosophical thinkings which have an effect on physical education. And this study wakened to the establishment of philosophy which presents the ground and the direction of all factors for studying physical education as a object and developing. While this establishment of philosophy is made by individual needs, wants, desire, attitude. interest, preconception and prejudice. these factors are also decided according to biological. anatomical, sociological and economical factor. We have to consider time and place, environment and new knowledge in forming of value. but we have to also study deeply on existence of such a permanent valve as good, honesty, truth. sincerity. affection and generosity.
To develop physical education in the phase of study, the philosophy of individuals has to be established. And it is important for us to study, examine and evaluate the value critically.
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인문 사회과학편 : 퇴계철학(退溪哲學)에서의 체육사상연구(體育思想硏究)
31(2) 45-59, 1992
인문 사회과학편 : 퇴계철학(退溪哲學)에서의 체육사상연구(體育思想硏究)
The purpose of this study is to make clear the philosophy of physical education conceived by Toegye. Perspectives about Toegye`s philosophy, which achieved one of the most important trends in Korean philosophy, at a standpoint of physical education is primarily required to understand the korean native philosophy of physical education.
This study, in its bibliographic method, was produced analysing fundamental method, such as, "Toe-gye completer work" or "Dosan Complete Work", etc.
As a result, following ideas were mainly found out :
1. Human body is a formulation of Chi. Mentality in human being is also a formulation of Chi. Li give a physical form to a man. It is possible to bring up the physical body with Chi, without Li, however, then Kyung should be the subject of the body, physical body is considered to be a point of beginning and ending of the philosophy of Kyung. Physical body exists in order to embody Li-In(human heartness) Ui(rightness) Ye(rites, propriety) and Chi(wisdom).
2. Toegy`e executed physical activities, Tooho(Pitch Pot), Daoin, etc., which are international and educational. There are also unintentional activities of climbing mountain, hiking, horse pack-riding and fishing, which are connected to man`s daily life. These physical activities provided significant meaning to Toegye`s knowledge and the formulation of his personality.
Human body and its activities, for Toegye, are the first gatewan to embody Li. Toegye actually opened the way and presented it in front of us.
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The Objectives of Sports Humanity and its Practical Problems 인문 사회과학편 : 스포츠 휴머니티의 목표와 실천과제
31(2) 61-73, 1992
The Objectives of Sports Humanity and its Practical Problems 인문 사회과학편 : 스포츠 휴머니티의 목표와 실천과제
The purpose of sports humanity is to provide an arena in which the pursuit of love. love for humanity, and the peace of human beings can be fostered. Sports humanity is an ideology of equalitariarism, and all-inclusive view, which pursues the educational systems goals, the societies or Nation`s goals, and the order of the law.
1. Sport activities help overcome human alienation and develops self-respect.
2. Sports improves self-consciousness and self-realization.
3. Sports cultivates self-control and intelligence.
4. Sports cultivates total fitness as a total human being.
5. Sports humanity cultivates social sports.
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Das Geist - Korper Probleme in Den Begriff Der ' Leibes - erziehung ' 인문 사회과학편 : 체육의 개념과 신체관의 문제
31(2) 75-80, 1992
Das Geist - Korper Probleme in Den Begriff Der ' Leibes - erziehung ' 인문 사회과학편 : 체육의 개념과 신체관의 문제
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist der Aufweis der "Leiblichkeit" Merleau-Pontys. Daneben konnen wir die logische Selbstandligkeit des Begriffes von "Erziehung des Leibes" und "Erizehung durch den Leib" im Hinblick auf die Pontysche Leibleichkeit und den ganzen Menschen behandeln.
Merleau-Pontys Leiblichkeit meint den Leib als das wahrnehmende Subjekt, das Erkenntnismoglichkeiten durch Wahrnehmung erreicht, und als "In-der-Welt-Sein", das in der Lebenswelt als ein Feld des unmittelbaren Erfahrung lebt. Und sie steht im schibaren Monismus, indem sie vor der Trennung von Leib und Geist als eine Form des menschlischen Daseins vorhanden ist.
Daher behalt sie durch autonome, selbsttatige "Erkenntnisfagigkeit" und durch tatkratfige Erfahrung das Geistige d. h. intellektuelle, asthetische Moglichkeit, und das Soziale d. h. moralische Kompetenz
Der Begriff der "Erziehung des Leibes" zielt nur die auf Leibesubungen und Gesundheit ab. Also dient er den korperlichen Funktionen und der Effektivitat. Wie schon beschrieben wird. hat hier freilich der Leib in diesem Begriff keine Erkenntnisfahighkeit. Dies Leib hat sich nicht mit dem Geiatigen, sondem mit der Forderung der Muskel Kraft, der Gesundhaltung, und der korperlichen Funktionen zu tun.
Also ist "Erziehung des Leibes", die nur korperliche Kompetenz entwicheltet, unangemessen im Hi-nblick auf den ganzen Menschen, der korperlich, geistig, moralisch, asthetisch im menschliehen Charakter harmonisch gebildet werden sollte, als das endgultige Ziel der Leibeserziehung.
Aber wie geaeigh wird, hat die Pontysche Leiblichkeit die geistige, soziale und asthetische Kompetenz enthalten.
Also konnen wir in dieser Kontext die logische Anpassung pontyscher Leiblichkeit uberzeugen.
Auf der anderen Seite zielt der Begriff von "Erziehung durch den leib" auf Forderung des Geistigem durch Leibesubungen ab. Dies Begriff scheint oberflachlich, als ob hinblicklich auf den ganzen Menschen den Widerspruch von "Erziehung des Leibes" uberwunden ware Aber in diesem Begriff entsteht das grundlegende Problem wie im Begriff von "Eraiehung des Leibes". Dies Leib auch bleibt in der Kategorie der Entwiklung korperlichen Moglichkeit.
Sofern der Begriff von "Erziehung durch den Leib" den Leib mit der mechanistischen Bedeutung gleichsetzt, kann diesen Begriff den ganzen Menschen gar nicht erreichen.
Aber die pontysche Leiblichkeit kann den aus der menschlichen Dichotomie entstandener Widerspruch des Begriffes von "Erziehung durch den Leib sehr klar losen.
Ich wurde sagen, durch pontysche Leibleichkeit die sportphilosophischen, padagogischen Grundlage verstarken und des Horizont des Denkent beider Bereichen verbreitern lassen.
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A study on philosophy of physical education of Rousseau 인문 사회과학편 : J. J. Roussau의 체육사상에 관한 연구
31(2) 81-89, 1992
A study on philosophy of physical education of Rousseau 인문 사회과학편 : J. J. Roussau의 체육사상에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study tried to discussion the Rousseau’s education and physical education theory.
Rousseau’s philosophy based on naturalism. but he was rejects a traditional social structure and educational method.
Also, He was rejected a growing process of children and much articial’s langugistik education.
But, if you look at his book "Emile", Rousseau have been limited the educational circumstance with special purpose.
The meaning of natureistic athletic was sound the body training, recreational skill and health education with mind control.
Rousseau definites the Greece Rome and get from gymnastike so that te he encorages a growth of natural and training, but he discourages the necessary of doctor.
However. athletic has biger meaning with the naturalism gets through from eighteen to next century.
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The present circumstances and future directions of sport exchange between the South and the North Korea 인문 사회과학편 : 남북한 스포츠 교류의 실상(實相)과 전망(展望)
31(2) 91-99, 1992
The present circumstances and future directions of sport exchange between the South and the North Korea 인문 사회과학편 : 남북한 스포츠 교류의 실상(實相)과 전망(展望)
The purpose of the present study way to investigate the process and prospect of sport exchange between the South and the North of Korea. The results of the analysis was as follows:
(1) The separate participations of two countries in the international sports events give rise to a conflict between them The exploratory reconnaissance for the mutual exchange between them since the Korean war made two countries ascertain the differences existing in the ideology and social system. Such confirmations causes the conflict and confrontation between the two sides. Although a variety of exchange which has been recently performed, was important historical facts. it did not last long. The mutual exchange was achieved only on a level of political. strategyt, as a result. the continuous exchange was just a hope. (2) The partition of Germany is classified as the international and the complete types. However, the division of the Korean peninsular has the characteristics of the international. the internal, and the unstable factors. Therefore the recent sports exchange between two countries can be said to be at they beginning stage. Although North Korea tries partial openess to outside world in order to adapt itself to the changes of internation situations, it will be performed only under the restrictions since the entire openess will be a threatening factor to the their present political system. Thus. North Korea is not ready economically and politically for the mutual exchange with south Korea. This point proved by the stop of the soccer game between tow countries. the failure of forming a unified team for table tennis and soccer, and the failure of realizing the exchange of letters and meeting between the peoples in two countries. However, the small scale of infrequent exchange will be possible for the symbolic effect of mutual cooperation.
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A Historical Consideration on the Olympic Game 인문 사회과학편 : 올림픽운동(運動)에 관(關)한 사적(史的) 고찰(考察)
31(2) 101-109, 1992
A Historical Consideration on the Olympic Game 인문 사회과학편 : 올림픽운동(運動)에 관(關)한 사적(史的) 고찰(考察)
This study took ancient and modem Olympics into account for a historical review of the Olympic game. It has come to following Conclusions in consequence of analystic study focused on the Oly-mpicism and current realistic issues revealed through Olympic games and realism.
First, The Olympic game is believed to contribute in build-up world peace, mutual understanding and promotion of amicable relationship between countries around the world. There fore, when the Olympicsim with reference to the Educational Philosophy oriented from Pierre Coubertin becomes well understood and comes into practice by the world countries. The Olympicism will be understood that it will a big role in Keeping with world peace and promotion of International Friendship universely.
Second, In recent, the Olympicism is becoming contaminated by the international realism throughout the world, How ever, growing anxiety is coming into existence to protect it from being politically conta-ininated. On this context, countries have been called to attention to work out current issues as well as to recognize the reality of problems on the basis of mutual understanding Therefore. Olympic Games are believed to play a role for rendering its service to prosperity of man kind thru efforts in keeping harmony with it’s ideal and realistic balance.
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A comparative analysis of leisure Attitudes according to religion 인문 사회과학편 : 종교별 여가 태도의 비교분석
31(2) 111-118, 1992
A comparative analysis of leisure Attitudes according to religion 인문 사회과학편 : 종교별 여가 태도의 비교분석
The purpose of this study is to estimate the leisure attitude based on religion groups.
Measuring the leisure attitude was structured on the three components : cognitive components measuring the individual’s a general knowledge and beliefs about leisure, affective components evaluation the individuals feelings and the degree of liking or disliking of leisure, behavioral components measureing the individuals past, presents, and intended actions with regard to leisure activities, and experiences. In analyzing these three components respectively. I described the explanation of the relationship between these components.
The total subjects participated in the study were 1239:607 male. 632 female all over the country.
On the basis of the analyzed data. the following conclusions were drawn :
1) The preference of the leisure attitude according to religion was ranked Buddhism. Christ, Catholic orderly.
2) The subjects perceived the cognitive components the most positively and the behavioral components the lowest and as a result they perceived it negatively.
3) The religion variable was shown no significant difference for leisure attitude.
4) In influence of the leisure. the three components were not much influenced by religion.
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A Study on the Sports Value Consciousness of Korean Athletes and Japanese Athletes 인문 사회과학편 : 한 · 일 운동선수의 스포츠 가치 의식에 관한 연구
31(2) 119-132, 1992
A Study on the Sports Value Consciousness of Korean Athletes and Japanese Athletes 인문 사회과학편 : 한 · 일 운동선수의 스포츠 가치 의식에 관한 연구
This study is to examine what kinds of the sports value consciousness Korean and Japanese university man-players have and on which value consciousnesses their worth about game performance depends. The subjects are 206 Korean players and 176 Japanese players who are participating in games like national meet.
By the Cross Analysis, the differences of consciousness between Korean and Japanese players are analysed. And the explanation variable, by the order of each step, is put by HAYASI II which is standard variable whether they feel worth about games. There are four step analysis. namely 1st step(sports career and level), 2nd step(sports consiousness). 3rd step(the view of life) and 4th step(the view of job).
Firstly, the differences of consciousness between Korean players and Japaness players are anlaysed by Cross Analysis. They have remarkable differences in Spiritualism and Sportsnationalism among many sports value consciousnesses.
According to the sports career, many veteran players are against the Spiritualism and the Steady Effortsism. However, they are for the Cultivationism of Mental Training and the Stem Disciplinism. The players under 4 years’ experience are much more for the liberalism and Continualism than the players over 5 years’ experience are.
Secondly, as the results of quantity analysis about their worth about games, as to the factors concerned about the strength and weakness there are remarkable differences in Sportsnationalism and Conti-nualism. And the rate of each step’s correlation by quantity analysis is almost alke between two nation’s players.
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A Study on the Development of Sport Program to prevent Juvenile Delinquency 인문 사회과학편 : 청소년비행(靑少年非行) 예방(豫防)을 위한 스포츠 프로그램 개발(開發)에 관한 연구(硏究)
31(2) 133-149, 1992
A Study on the Development of Sport Program to prevent Juvenile Delinquency 인문 사회과학편 : 청소년비행(靑少年非行) 예방(豫防)을 위한 스포츠 프로그램 개발(開發)에 관한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was the development of sport program to prevent juvenile delinquency. Subjects were collected from high school students and athletes in Chunnam, buk province and Kwang Ju city. They were classified sport athletes group(259) and non-athletes group(979). The scale of this study were used Short(1958) Contact delinquency inventory, Derogetis(1977) Symptom Checklist-90-Revision, Hirski(1969) School Attachment Scale, Buss & Durkee(1961) Aggression Scale and Juvenile Delinquency Scale. The results were as follows:
First, the athletes group was showed lower than non-athletes group in juvenile delinquency.
Second, athletes was showed higher than non-athletes in Mental Health. and in attachment of home, lower than non-athletes in Aggression, contact of delinquency, attachment of school.
Third, the factors affected to influence juvenile delinquency in athletes were reported the dissatisfaction to home(β=.8759) and aggression(β=.4872), but the factors of that in non-athletes are dissatisfaction to home(β=2.7653), aggression(β=.6934). and mental health(β=.2836). Factor of attachment of school was able to prevent juvenile delinquency in two group.
The results of this study showed that sport was an effective activity to prevent juvenile delinquency. Therefore we were able to suggest the device of sport program to prevent juenile delinquency. They are as follows:
1. To prevent juvenile delinquency, juvenile are induced sport activity because sport activity is effective to prevent juvenile delinquency.
2. Sport program to prevent juvenile delinquency is must emphasized mental factor of sportmanship.
3. It must improve the love of their school attachment and friend relationship that sport program to prevent juvenile delinquency.
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A Study of Elements Which Determine the Effectivess of Sports for all Club 인문 사회과학편 : 사회체육(社會體育) Club 경영(經營)의 유효성(有效性)을 규정(規定)하는 요인(要因)에 관한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the difference of leadership perceptions effectiveness of sports for all clubs
At the same time it was alse aimed to exaime the relation between members reliance on their leader and club effectireness.
Based on House’s path-Goal theory which was a kind of Expectancy theory Model and multirariate Statistical procedures were applied following results were detected.
1. Leadership perceptions by leaders. own were more positive than member’s it indicated than the descrepancy of Leadership perceptions led the decreased of members path instrumentarity of behavior for goal attainment.
2. The lower the degree of difference between leader perception on leadership and member’s become the higher the effectirenss of sport, for all clubs turned out.
3. Even if the degree of discrepancy on initiating structure perceptions were high were high when the degree of member reliance on their leader was high the effectirencess didn’t become so low. But even if the degree of members reliance was high. when the degree of discrpuncy on consideration perception were high the effectireness became low.
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Athletes' Preference for Different Style of Decision Making 인문 사회과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)들의 의사결정방식(意思決定方式) 선호도(選好度)
31(2) 161-170, 1992
Athletes' Preference for Different Style of Decision Making 인문 사회과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)들의 의사결정방식(意思決定方式) 선호도(選好度)
The present study was an attempt to investigate athletes’ preference for different style of decision making under various situational conditions. A total of 356 varsity athletes(male=301, female=55) were selected from several universities. The subject responded their preferences for one of four decision styles(autocratic consultive, paticipative, and delegative styles) in each of 16 different situation. The situation was described by four problem attribute(quality requirement, information, problem complexity, and group integration).
The decision style by sex contingency tables showed that females more oriented toward participation style than male were with x²=13.91 P<.001. The 2×2×2×2 repeated measure ANOVA for each sex showed that both groups tended to used a large number of situational cues. In both sex, preferences for decision making style were more influenced by main effect of coach’s information and interaction of quality requirement and problem complexity. Situational differences had a larger effect on subjects’ decision style preferences than individual differences did.
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Study about the Louis Horst who influenced on the early work of Martha Graham 인문 사회과학편 : Louis Horst 가 Martha Graham 의 초기 작품에 미친 영향에 관한 연구
31(2) 171-177, 1992
Study about the Louis Horst who influenced on the early work of Martha Graham 인문 사회과학편 : Louis Horst 가 Martha Graham 의 초기 작품에 미친 영향에 관한 연구
During 1926 and 1948 which Louis Horst had laboured with Martha Graham. for twenty years period. Louis Horst did influence greatly which is unmeasurable on the life and work of Graham.
Following are important contents summarized on this matter.
1. Horst composed music for early work of Graham.
2. Horest took role of music supervisor such as music consultant and accompanist for Graham.
3. Musical view of Horst was very clever, excluded instant attempt and was influenced by the assertion that dancing should be furnished as a perfect an to be recognized in its theory and therefore. Graham shown wild practical work character.
4. Horst made Graham to be in touch with expressional dancing by showing Books and Mary Wigman from Germany.
5. Horst was a real sponsor and a spiritual supporter of Graham. As shown above. Louis Horst influenced greatly on Graham to reach into her greatness by showing the work which was cut loosed from romantic dancing of Denishawn style.
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A Study on the Change in Japanese Leisure Time and their participation in sports 인문 사회과학편 : 일본인의 여가시간 변화와 스포츠 참가에 관한 연구
변호광HoKwangByun , 윤광현KwangHyunYoon
31(2) 179-191, 1992
A Study on the Change in Japanese Leisure Time and their participation in sports 인문 사회과학편 : 일본인의 여가시간 변화와 스포츠 참가에 관한 연구
변호광HoKwangByun , 윤광현KwangHyunYoon
Japanese themselves are juding that they have arrived at the peak of the advanced countries on an economic basis, has but their richness in a strict sense has not yet reached the top level of the developed countries.
But, in fact, the leisure time has been increased while the time spended with labour has been decreased.
Also, in the changes of the contents of leisure activities on weekend, the time spended for active sports has been increased in its ratio. All these indicate the Japanese social phenomena tring to reach the level of the advanced countries in a spirtual aspect.
To summarized Japanese sports activities, first, Japanese sports population in total is up to 71,954 which is nearly 76 percent among the sample with size of 94.219 who are aged 15 or above. And among the most frequently executed sports are light stretching exercise, swimming and bowliner in order.
Which is one of compulsory factors showed a great difference from that of Korea 19,000.
It is considered that the increase of leisure time time, the problem of making practical use of the leisure time, and sports activity in themselves are indispensible for Japanese to create on abundant society on a spiritual basis as well.
For the coming 2.00s Koreans will have to study the Japanese in order to build an economically advanced country os well as a spiritually advanced country. to which the practical use of leisure time and sports activity might contribute.
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The Influence on the concentration dlevation by slow - motion Tae Kwon Do through the deep - breathing in Tae Kwon Do teaching 인문 사회과학편 : 태권도 교육에 있어 심호흡을 통한 느린 동작의 수련이 정신 집중력 향상에 미치는 영향
31(2) 193-198, 1992
The Influence on the concentration dlevation by slow - motion Tae Kwon Do through the deep - breathing in Tae Kwon Do teaching 인문 사회과학편 : 태권도 교육에 있어 심호흡을 통한 느린 동작의 수련이 정신 집중력 향상에 미치는 영향
This was the result of practicing the concentration power test under the equal circumstances after dividing the training group and the non-training group that have 50 students in each part that randomized 100 students who are the second grade at the D school in Seoul.
After that the non-training group was schooled common and the training group was coached in training the slow-motion Tae Kwon Do through the deep-breathing by the researcher himself, and then the following result was obtained in the comparative analysis the two groups by practicing the concentration power against the same test.
The training group is showed the high extension on the average 18.40% of the concentration power earlier than the non-practicing but the non-training group is showed the nearly same result after and before testing and is not showed the elevation rate of the Other wise the training group is showed all 50 researchees to elevate the concentration power from the lowest 5% to the highest 35% through the result data.
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3 - D cinematographic kinematics analysis of tennis serve 자연과학편 : 3D 영상분석에 의한 테니스 풀랫 서브의 운동학적 분석
황인승InSeongHwang , 이성철SungCheolLee , 김주선JooSunKim
31(2) 201-209, 1992
3 - D cinematographic kinematics analysis of tennis serve 자연과학편 : 3D 영상분석에 의한 테니스 풀랫 서브의 운동학적 분석
황인승InSeongHwang , 이성철SungCheolLee , 김주선JooSunKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic factors of tennis serve technique by using 3 dimensional cinematographic analysis and to provide basic guidelines for coaching. Two high speed cameras were used to analyze 5 beginners and 4 amateur players’ tennis serve. The conclusions of this study were following as:
1. In the comparison of serve time between the amateur and beginner group, amateur group(1.28s) spend more time than the beginner group(1.10s) in the preparatory phase. But amateur group (0.13s) spend less time compared to beginner group (0.17s) in the force production phase.
2. In the prerparatory phase, the range of C.O.G displacement in amateur group was bigger than beginner group in X, Y, Z; direction. In the force production phase, the beginner group showed bigger change than. the amateur group.
3. In the force production phase, the amateur group did trunk rotation bigger than beginner group in X, Y. Z direction and flat serve was effective in longitudinal axis.
4. The knee joint of amateur group was bigger than the beginner group at the impact.
5. In the force production phase. the linear velocity of each segment increased as it moved toward distal segment. The maximum linear velocity occured before the impact and decreased at the impact. In the maximum linear velocity of racket. amateur(20.78m/s) group was faster than the beginner(18.62m/s) group.
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A Histochemistry Research on the Influence of High - Gradient Treadmill Endurance Running on Rat's Skeletal Muscle 자연과학편 : 고경사(高傾斜)에서 Treadmill 지구주(持久走)가 Rat의 골격근(骨格筋)에 미치는 영향(影響)의 조직화학적(組織化學的) 연구(硏究)
31(2) 211-226, 1992
A Histochemistry Research on the Influence of High - Gradient Treadmill Endurance Running on Rat's Skeletal Muscle 자연과학편 : 고경사(高傾斜)에서 Treadmill 지구주(持久走)가 Rat의 골격근(骨格筋)에 미치는 영향(影響)의 조직화학적(組織化學的) 연구(硏究)
Sixteen female rats of the Fischer line were administered a series of treadmill training for eight weeks(5 times a week, 60 minutes a session a day) at a 15-degree gradient and at the velocity of 23m/min. Then their leg skeleton’s soleus muscle and plantaris muscle were extracted. Dyeing methods like myosin ATP ase. SDH and Amylase PAS were employed no a microscopic basis in order to determine the composition, transection volume, and capillary development of SO(superb activation of oxidizing enzymes), FG(excellent activiation of sugar enzymes). and FOG(mediating muscles) fibers. The analytic results are as follows.
1. Body weight increasd significantly(p<.01) in the training group compared with the control group.
2. Both m.soleus and m.plantaris increased with significance(p<0.0∼p<.01) in absolute and relative muscle weight as well
3. Even though m. soleus didn’t have anychange of fiber composition in the two group. m.plantaris was noteworthy. In its deep region. SO fibers were the same. FOG fibers increased(p<0.05) and FG fibers decreased(p<0.01). In the peripheral region, the two group had few SO fibers, while the training group’s FOG fibers grew(p<0.01) and FG fibers lowered(p<0.01). This phenomenon may be account for by FG fibers transfer to OG fibers
4. A significant(p<0.05∼p<0.01) increase of transection volume was noticed in SO) and FOG fibers of m.soleus as well as SO, FOG. and FG filers of m.plantars. The difference among the fibers was seen in the peripheral region of m.plantaris only
5. As to the barometer of muscle fiber capillary. CD and CF rato were not affected by the endurance training. Excepting FG fibers of m.soleus. CC increased(p<0.01∼p<0.001), which implies the increase in oxidizing capacity of muscular fibers.
6. Since the effect of the training in a capillary development was clearly identified by the values of muscle fiber transection volume divided into CC, any type of muscle fiber discussed here seems to have been influenced by the endurance treadmill running.
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Muscle Glut - 4 Protein Content and Citate Synthase Activity Following Different Exercise Intensities 자연과학편 : 다양한 트레이닝 강도가 글루코스 운반 단백질과 미토콘드리아 효소 증가에 미치는 영향
강호율HoYoulKang , JohnL.Ivy
31(2) 227-236, 1992
Muscle Glut - 4 Protein Content and Citate Synthase Activity Following Different Exercise Intensities 자연과학편 : 다양한 트레이닝 강도가 글루코스 운반 단백질과 미토콘드리아 효소 증가에 미치는 영향
강호율HoYoulKang , JohnL.Ivy
The effects of high(HI) and low(LI) intensity exercise training were examined on the change of insulin-regulatable glucose transporter protein(Glut-4) content, and the activity of oxidative enzyme citrate synthase in the epitrochlearis of obese Zucker(fa/fa) rats. Sedentary(SED) and lean(LN) Zucker(Fa/?) rats were used as controls. The content of Glut-4 protein was determined by Westem-blotting and the citrate synthase activity was measured by the method of Srere. No significant difference in Glut-4 protein content was observed between LN and SED rats. However, there was a significant difference between SED and HI rats in Glut-4 protein content(p<0.05). The difference between HI and LI rats approached significantance(p<0.09). Citrate synthase activity was not significantly different between LN and SED rats. but there was a significant difference between SED and exercise trained groups(p<0.05). Between LI and HI rats, citrate synthase activity was significantly different. Glut-4 protein content in epitrochlearis of obese rats was significantly correlated with cirtrate synthase activity(r=0.55). The results suggest that the increased in Glut-4 protein content due to exercise training is related to the degree of training.
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The effect of sodium bicarbonate loading on performance and blood acid - base level during high intenisve exercise 자연과학편 : Sodium Bicarbonate Loading 이 고강도 운동시 혈중 Acid - Base 수준 및 운동수행능력에 미치는 영향
31(2) 237-246, 1992
The effect of sodium bicarbonate loading on performance and blood acid - base level during high intenisve exercise 자연과학편 : Sodium Bicarbonate Loading 이 고강도 운동시 혈중 Acid - Base 수준 및 운동수행능력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of Sodium bicarbonate loading on performance and blood acid-base level during high intensive exercise
Six trained athletes(Jumpers) and six untrained college males were studided under alkalotic(NaHCO ingestion) and placebo(CaCO ingestion) conditions to determine the effect of an acute induced metabolic alkalosis on 400m. 800m and 1.500m running time.
Arterialized venous blood samples were drawn from dorsal hand vein by warming the hand in an electric heating pack at 3 times(pre treatement, pre and post 1,500m run) and were analyzed for Blood pH. HCO. base excess and lactic acid level.
The results were summarized as follows:
· Following ingestion of NaHCO. pre and post 1.500m run, pH. HCO. base excess levels were significantly higher than placebo(CaCO ingestion) condition.
· In case of lactic acid level, followed 1.500m run. was not a statistically significant difference between Metabolic alkalosis and placebo. However. lactic acid level was trended to be higher in alkalosis than placebo.
· There was not a statistically significant difference between each racing time under two conditions(NaHCO vs. placebo), however. The faster 400m, 800 and 1,500m running time were achieved in alkalosis compared to placebo.
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Kinematics study of the snatch in weightlifting by using Three - Dimensional film analysis 자연과학편 : 3차원(次元) 영상분석(映像分析)에 의한 역도경기(力道競技)의 인상동작(引上動作)에 대한 운동학적(運動學的) 연구(硏究)
31(2) 247-260, 1992
Kinematics study of the snatch in weightlifting by using Three - Dimensional film analysis 자연과학편 : 3차원(次元) 영상분석(映像分析)에 의한 역도경기(力道競技)의 인상동작(引上動作)에 대한 운동학적(運動學的) 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the kinematic parameters of the bar, body. and system in the Snatch movements by using three-dimensional film analysis as the barbell weights generally increasing by 5 percents ranging from 85% to 100% of the Maximum Barbell Weight for each weightlifting athlete.
six weightlifting athletes were selected as subjects. and each of them executed Snatch with barbell weight from 85% MBW to 100% MBW.
By using three-dimensional film analysis. it was possible to analyze the biomechanical parameters of the C.O.G of the bar. body, and system in the Snatch movements.
The conclusions were as follows:
1. The C.O.G of the bar, body, and system was moved on the same vertical line in the Lock Out phase and it s position was moved backward of the body in the Lock Out phase.
2. The maximum vertical height of the C.O.G of the bar and the system were decreased steadily as barbell weight were generally increased from 85% MBW to 100% MBW.
3. The vertical height of the C.O.G of the bar was higher than 2nd pull phase, and the C.O.G of the bar was elevated to reach the maximum vertical height but the C.O.G of the body was declined since the 2nd pull.
4. The maximum velocity of the C.O.G of the bar, the body, and the system were decreased steadily as barbell weight increased from 85% MBW to 100% MBW.
5. The vertical Velocity-Time curve of the C.O.G of the bar was showed only one peak point immediately after 2nd pull, but the vertical Velocity-Time curve of the C.O.G of the body was showed two peak points ; first peak point was showed during the 1st pull. second peak point was showed to the end of the 2nd pull.
6. The maximum vertical velocity of the C.O.G of the body was showed at the end of the 2nd pull, The C.O.G of the bar was reached on the maximum vertical velocity immediately of the 2nd pull.
7. In the case of the pull phase, the maximum vertical acceleration of the C.O.G of the bar was showed as the bar was passing the knee, and the C.O.G of the body was showed at the end of the 2nd pull.
8. The Degree-Time curve of the hip was increased steadily until the end of the 2nd pull, but the Degree-Time curves of the ankle and knee were showed two peak points : 1st peak was showed at the end of the 1st pull, 2nd peak was showed at the immediately after 2nd pull.
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The purpose of this study is to suggest mechanical variables of successful 3-point jump-shot movement by identifying variations of jump-shot movement patterns accompanying horizontal distance variables.
Five male basketball players of Yonsei University were filmed on a 16mm Photosonic 1PL High Speed Camera performing jump-shot movements accompanying projection distance. A spatial peformance point, four points on basketball and 17 two-dimensional X. Y coordinates of body segment anatomical marks were used as input in a movement analyzing-computer program and then. smoothed with cutoff frequency set at 7㎐ to obtain kinematic data needed for movement analysis. After comparing and analyzing kinematic data, the following results were obtained through the statistical analysis process.
1. In the shooting phase, that affects projection angle and projection velocity, the short duration variable was obtained in the 3-point shot movement, and horizontal displacement distance in airborne phase in 3-point shot movement indicates that the horizontal displacement distance moved more(26㎝) toward the target relative to the 2-point shot.
2. During projection, center of gravity displacement is almost the same. But, on the other hand, maximum displacement occurs 0.13sec after in the 2-point shot and 0.18sec after in the 3-point shot movement. This indicates that the projection movement occurs before arriving at the maximum point.
3. In each arm segment, at the moment of jump and projection. X axis direction velocity variable between two movements show significant difference Especially X axis direction velocity variable of the 3-point shot movement in hand segment at the moment of jump and projection were high. Also, in the case of the 3-point shot movement from the moment of jump to pojection X axis direction velocity variable of the hard joint shows a sudden increase.
4. At the height of projection there are no significant differences between the two movements but. angle of projection in the 3-point shot movement is small, and projection velocity in the 3-point shot movement shows a significant increase.
In conclusion. since the 3-point jump shot movement needs additional momentum relative to the 2-point shot, that has short. horizontal distance variable, by shortening the duration variable in shooting phase, the shooting movement from a far distance can successfully be performed through transition of momentum, developed at the moment of jump, to the basketball quickly and powerfully. Especially, by additionally increasing each body segment`s velocity variable of X axis direction during the jump and projection. can overcome horizontal distance variable that acts on 3-point shot movement, and a successful projection movement can be performed. Also, in an effort to adopt additional horizontal direction momentum, that is developed in each body segment accompanying horizontal distance variable held farther apart, to the basketball, decrease in projection angle and increase in projection angle were discovered.
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A study on blood component changes followed treadmill exercise load endukance - trained athletes 자연과학편 : 지구성으로 훈련(訓練)된 운동선수들의 트레드밀 운동부하에 따른 혈액성분 변화(變化)에 관한 연구(硏究)
엄규환KuyHwanAum , 김종환JongHwanKim , 박준기JunKeiPark
31(2) 271-277, 1992
A study on blood component changes followed treadmill exercise load endukance - trained athletes 자연과학편 : 지구성으로 훈련(訓練)된 운동선수들의 트레드밀 운동부하에 따른 혈액성분 변화(變化)에 관한 연구(硏究)
엄규환KuyHwanAum , 김종환JongHwanKim , 박준기JunKeiPark
To estimate .he changes of blood component followed treadmill exercise performance endurance-trained athletes was participated as subjects of this research.
The subjects devided to two group. that is, middle-and long distance runners(n=5), swimmers(n=5).
Mean corpuscular volume(MCV). Red blood cell(RBC). White blood cell(WBC), Hematocrit(Hct) & Hemoglobin(Hb) concentration was analysis in whole blood. and glucose(Glu). Lactate(La) Sodium(Na+) & Potassium(K+) concentration was measured in plasma by collected the blood of about 6ml at antecubital vein.
Blood glucose, lactate and white blood cell of middle and long distance runners expressed significantly difference(p< .05) at values after treadmill performance, compared values of rest, but shown not significantly difference(p >.05) at MCV, RBC, Hct. Hb. Na+, & K+ concentration.
It was shown significantly difference(p<.05) at blood lactate and white blood cell of swimmers.
Also, Compared middle and long distance runners with swimmers. only blood lactate and glucose was shown significant difference(p< .05) in levels after treadmill exercise. but not shown significant difference(p >.05) in other variables.
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The Effect of Ventilatory Threshold Training on Body Composition 자연과학편 : 환기역치트레이닝이 신체조성에 미치는 영향
31(2) 279-287, 1992
The Effect of Ventilatory Threshold Training on Body Composition 자연과학편 : 환기역치트레이닝이 신체조성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to exemine the effect of endurance training on physique, body composition, and somatotype before and after exercise.
The number of experimental subjects were thirteen. The endurance training intensity corresponding to ventilatory threshold(VT) was administerd 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week for 8 weeks.
The presented data demonstrated that regular aerobic training at on intensity to VT led to significant improvments in physique(body weight, chest of girth. Ro¨her index, Vervaeck index), body composition. and somatotypes.
Somatotype levels of after 8 weeks of VT-training showed 3.0∼4.8∼2.5.
These results suggest the intensity to VT-training is effective for the improvement in the body composition and somatotype.
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A Study on Isokinetic Strength, Power and Endurance of Thigh Muscles in Wrestlers 자연과학편 : 레슬링 선수(選手)의 등속성(等速性) 대퇴근력(大腿筋力), 근(筋)파워 및 근지구력(筋持久力)에 관한 연구(硏究)
31(2) 289-303, 1992
A Study on Isokinetic Strength, Power and Endurance of Thigh Muscles in Wrestlers 자연과학편 : 레슬링 선수(選手)의 등속성(等速性) 대퇴근력(大腿筋力), 근(筋)파워 및 근지구력(筋持久力)에 관한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was to suggest a new direction in muscular training by finding essential factors of isokinetic strength, muscular power and muscular endurance etc. This was done by comparing the isokinetic strength of groups of wrestlers(3 groups. 10 athletes per group), and we came to the following conclusions :
-There was no significant difference among the three groups with regard to isokinetic strength(60˚/sec), but the group of wrestlers from the Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS) showed greatest superiority in relative strength of hamstrings(P<.05). Furthermore. there was a significant difference from group to group with regard to the leg angle of peak torque occurrence(P<.05).
-There was no significant difference among the three groups with regard to isokinetic muscular power(180˚/sec). but there was a significant difference with regard to maximal muscular power. Furthermore, the group of athletes from the Korean National College of Physical Education(KNCPE) showed greatest superiority with regard to peak torque acceleration energy(P<.05).
-With regard to isokinetic muscular endurance(180˚/sec, 50rep.), the group from the Korea Armed Forces Athletic Corps(KAFAC) showed greatest superiority in the total work capacity of the quadriceps, and the group from CIS showed greatest superiority in muscular endurance ratio(P<.05).
-The hamstrings/quadriceps ratio of the group from CIS was 60∼65%(P<.05), whereas for the two Korean groups it was 55∼60%.
-The correlation of isokinetic strength to isokinetic muscular power was γ=.89 for the hamstrings and γ=.81 for the quadriceps.
Wrestlers require continuous quadriceps training(60˚/sec). Furthermore, their training program must provide the ability to reach the isokinetic training speed of 180˚/sec and 240˚/sec which is what will be required during an wrestling match.
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The Effect of Body Weight on the Postural Sway Distance in Up - right Position 자연과학편 : 직립 자세에서 중심 동요 거리 변동에 미치는 체중의 역할
31(2) 305-315, 1992
The Effect of Body Weight on the Postural Sway Distance in Up - right Position 자연과학편 : 직립 자세에서 중심 동요 거리 변동에 미치는 체중의 역할
The Purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the postural sway and the body weight of normal person, this study measured the postural sway distance of healthy women in twenties, divided into Group A average body weight 44.13±1.68㎏ and Group B, 53.57±1.72㎏, in the state of opened and closed eye for 1 mimute. by static sensorgraphy.
The results are as follow :
1. In case of total postural sway distance, the average of opened eyes was 128.1㎝/Min, 2.14㎝/Sec and that of closed eyes, 156.18㎝/Min, 2.60㎝/Sec, which showed the latter was 18% higher than the former. In time lapse, the average was increased as 24.96㎝ between from 1 to 10 seconds.
2. According to the body weight, the total postural sway distance in the state of opened eyes was 133.33㎝ in Group A and 123.08㎝ in Group B, which showed the latter was lower than the former(P<0.01). In time lapse, it was so, too.
3. In case of postural sway direction in the state of opened and closed eyes, there was more postural sway in X than Y, but the statistical difference was not significant.
The results show the truth that there. is more postural sway in the state of closed than opened eyes, and that of light than heavy body weight.
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자연과학편 : The change of cardiac function measured by the new impedance cardiography technique during treadmill exercise
The effect of ume's extract on lactate recovery rate after aerobic exercise 자연과학편 : 매실(梅實) 농축액(濃縮液) 복용(服用)이 유산소지구력(有酸素持久力) 운동(運動) 후(後) 유산회복률 (乳酸恢復率)에 미치는 영향(影響)
31(2) 327-333, 1992
The effect of ume's extract on lactate recovery rate after aerobic exercise 자연과학편 : 매실(梅實) 농축액(濃縮液) 복용(服用)이 유산소지구력(有酸素持久力) 운동(運動) 후(後) 유산회복률 (乳酸恢復率)에 미치는 영향(影響)
The Purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ume’s extract on the recovery rate after aerobic exercise by sellecting 20 females who were divided 2 groups(experimental group : 10, control group : 10). Experimental group were taked ume’s extract and control group were drinked refind water at 1 min. before aerobic exercise during 2 weeks.
To evaluate of recovery level tested the changes of blood lactate on each of immediate, 5, 10, 20 min. after treadmill exercise and recovery rate were calculated as(maximal level-20 min. level)/(maximal level-rest level) × 100.
The following is results :
1) Recovery rate on experimental group were showed the highest at long treatment as statistical significant(p< 0.05). But control group showed non significant(p >0.05) among 3 conditions.
2) On the comparison between groups. experimental group showed more higher level than control group on all conditions.
As a conclusion, we can be suggested that ume’s extract have very positive effect on fatigue recovery after aerobic exercise.
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STUDY ON BASE RUNNING AT BASE - BALL GAME (Focused on a selection of on effective course for a batter runner to advance to third base) 자연과학편 : 야구경기(野球競技)에서 Base Running 에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 타자주자(打者走者) 삼루진루(三壘進壘)의 효과적(效果的)인 Course선택(選擇)을 중심(中心)으로 -
31(2) 335-347, 1992
STUDY ON BASE RUNNING AT BASE - BALL GAME (Focused on a selection of on effective course for a batter runner to advance to third base) 자연과학편 : 야구경기(野球競技)에서 Base Running 에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 타자주자(打者走者) 삼루진루(三壘進壘)의 효과적(效果的)인 Course선택(選擇)을 중심(中心)으로 -
To investigate the time. the distance and the number of steps along different courses of `base-running`. J high School Baseball team was, made the object of this investigation and the conclusion reached is as follows:
1. The necessary time for running is 11"88 along A course. 11"86 along B curse. 12”04 along C course. and 11"84 along D course respectively D course turns out to require the min-mum of time.
2. They number of steps is 52.13 paces along A course 52.03 Paces along B course. 52.23 Paces along C course and 51.80 Paces along D course respectively
3. The distance is 84.01m along A course, 83.80m alone B course. 84.20m along C course and 84.80m along D course respectively. D course turns out to be the longest.
4. The angle of the change of direction from first Base to Second Base and from Second Base to third Base alike, is 50˚ along A. B and C course Along D course. the angle of the change of direction form first base to second base and from second base to third base is 55˚ but it has proved that the player can run fastest along this course.
(Fig. 1 Refer to the angle of change of the direction along each course)
Along D course, the runner can minimize, when be changes his direction. the centrifugal force caused by acceleration, and make the best of the acceleration. Therefor, D course is the most desirable.
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In Vivo 31p Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy : The study on a variation pH and Pi/PCr intracellular in skeletal muscle 자연과학편 : 31p Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy를 이용한 생체내 골격근의 pH와 Pi/PCr 변화 연구
31(2) 349-362, 1992
In Vivo 31p Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy : The study on a variation pH and Pi/PCr intracellular in skeletal muscle 자연과학편 : 31p Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy를 이용한 생체내 골격근의 pH와 Pi/PCr 변화 연구
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy(MRS) is biochemical sampling technique that allows the noninvasive quantificantion of several biomolecules in vivo.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to nonivasivly and repeatedly follow muscle metabolism during rest and exercise.
We used phorsphorus Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to study skeletal muscle metabolism of pro-base ball pichter(n=4).
The subjects performed work by depressing a pully attached to an isometric contraction of progressive exercise.
Relative concentration of Pi and PCr were measured along with intracelluiar pH. Measurements were made at rest during exercise, during recovery form exercise protocol.
As a results were:
(1) A variation of pH a recovery after pichting ball.
A rest to intracellular pH from 7.001±0.02 to 6.975±0.04 after I Set pichting ball, and become a recovery intracellular pH 6.979±0.04 affer 5min(p=0.001), and significant(p<0.05).
A rest to intracellular pH from 7.001±0.02 to 6.979±0.06 after II Set pichting ball, and become a recovery intracellular pH 6.996±0.02 after 5min(p=0.264), and not significant(p<0.05).
A rest to intracellular pH from 7.001±0.02 to 6.965±0.03 after III Set pichting ball, and become a recovery intracellular pH 7.001±0.02 after 5min(p=0.006), and significant(p< 0.05).
(2) A variation of Pi/PCr a recovery after pichting ball.
A rest to intracellular Pi/PCr was a from 0.112±0.04 to 0.089±0.02 after I Set pichting ball, and become a recovery intracellular Pi/PCr 0082±0.03(p=0.625), and significant(p >0.05).
A rest to intracellular Pi/PCr was a from 0.112±0.04 to 0.089±0.02 after II Set pichting ball, and become a recovery intracellular Pi/PCr 0.081±0.02(p=0.534), and not significant(p>0.05).
A rest to intracellular Pi/PCr was a from 0.112±0.04 to 0.083±0.02 after III Set pichting ball, and become a recovery intracellular Pi/PCr 0.086±0.02(p=0.887). and significant(p>0.05).
(3) A variation pH after progressive exercise in prior and following to pichting ball.
pH of MVC 1% was slow decreased the time elapsed from 7.002±0.01 to 6.790±0.01 at muscle endurance all out(p=0.000) and significant(p<0.05).
pH of I Set was decreased from 7.001±0.02 to 6.805±0.19 at muscle endurance all out(p=0.001) and significant(p<0.05).
pH of II Set was abruptly decreased from 7.001±0.02 to 6.742±0.16 at muscle endurance all out(p=0.000) and significant(p<0.05).
pH of III Set was decreased from 7.001±0.02 to 6.860±0.10 at muscle endurance all out(p=0.001) than I Set. II Set. MVC 1% and significant(p<0.05).
(4) A variation Pi/PCr after progressive exercise in prior and following to pichting ball.
Pi/PCr of MVC 1% slowly increased from rest 0.145±0.01 to muscle endurance all out 0.810±0.32(p=0.016) and significant(p<0.05).
Pi/PCr of I Set was abruptly increased a from rest 0.112±0.04 to muscle endurance all out 1.320±1.49(p=0.465) and not significant(p<0.05).
Pi/PCr of II Set was abruptly increased a from rest 0.112±0.04 to muscle endurance all out 0.784±0.42(p=0.000) than MVC 1% and significant(p<0.05).
Pi/PCr of III Set was abruptly increased a from rest 0.112±0.04 to muscle all out 1.155±1.67(p=0.009) than MVC 1% and II Set and was similar tendency I Set and significant(p<0.05).
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A Study on Athlete's Total Serum LDH Activity 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)의 혈청(血淸) LDH활성도(活性度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
31(2) 363-380, 1992
A Study on Athlete's Total Serum LDH Activity 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)의 혈청(血淸) LDH활성도(活性度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study is to establish the relationship between Vo₂max and total serum LDH with the distribution of the serum LDH isoenzyme. The form of the serum enzyme is different through continued training depending on the intensity, the duration, and the kind of training. It is possible to use the total serum LDH activity and the variation of isoenzyme pattern as a basis for the training treatment.
This study also set the norm of the LDA with that of highly trained athletes who are at rest.
1. There was no significant difference among sports events in total serum LDH activity.
2. In the total serum LDH isoenzyme distribution. it turned out that LDH-1 and LDH-2 could be used as a standard value of the discipling event of endurance and LDH-5 as a standard value of the discipling event of ability.
3. The total serum LDH activity and Vo₂max(1/min) shows a positive relationship of r=.24. It has.
however, no statistical significance. Moreover. it is far less related to Vo₂max(㎖ · ㎏ · min).
This study shows that it turned out to he insufficient to estimate cardiovascular fittness with total serum LDH activity at rest. But it is considered that the result of serum LDH isoenzyme distribution can be used as a standard of athletes training treatment.
The total serum LDH activity and isoenzyme distribution can appear abnormally in the athletes who train for muscular strength even when those athletes are free of disease.
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The Effect of Road - work and Sauna - bath Weight Loss and the Change of plasma Electrolyte 자연과학편 : Road - work과 Sauna가 체중감량(體重減量) 및 혈장 전해질 변화(變化)에 미치는 영향
31(2) 381-391, 1992
The Effect of Road - work and Sauna - bath Weight Loss and the Change of plasma Electrolyte 자연과학편 : Road - work과 Sauna가 체중감량(體重減量) 및 혈장 전해질 변화(變化)에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to verify comparatively the difference of the physiological effect between roadwork and sauna bath as a weight-loss method.
The subjects of this study were 7 boxers in Seowon University. And to accomplish the purpose, the subjects were weighed and blood were sampled from them before and after 7km road-work(30’) and lhour sauna-bath. The blood sample were analyzed in Chung-Buk Medical Center The t-test of pre-post weight and plasma electrolytes in each method, and the ANOVA of pre-post difference in weight and plasma electrolytes between two method were done for the analysis of data.
The results of this study were gains as following.
1. Weight decreased significantly in both methods, but the difference of weight-loss between two methods were not significantly appeared. 2. The Change of Na+ concentration in blood plasma was not significantly appeared after roadwork but significantly appeared after sauna-bath. The difference of Na+ change between two methods was appeared significantly.
3. The Change of K+ concentration in blood plasma was not significantly appeared in both methods and the difference of K^+ change between two methods was not also significant.
4. The Change of Cl- concentration in blood plasma was not significantly appeared in both methods and the difference of Cl^- change between two methods was not also significant.
Form above results, both roadwork and sauna-bath were thought to be effective only for the temporary weigh Loss. But statistically significant loss of Na+ after sauna indicated that roadwork was more effective and physiologically safe for the athletes’ performance.
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A Study on the Stress Hormone Response Affecting Blood Lactate during Submaximal Exercise 자연과학편 : 최대하 운동시 혈중젖산에 미치는 스트레스 호르몬 반응에 관한 연구
조정호JungHoCho , 김상복SangBockKim , 박정래JeongRaePark
31(2) 393-402, 1992
A Study on the Stress Hormone Response Affecting Blood Lactate during Submaximal Exercise 자연과학편 : 최대하 운동시 혈중젖산에 미치는 스트레스 호르몬 반응에 관한 연구
조정호JungHoCho , 김상복SangBockKim , 박정래JeongRaePark
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The Study of Event - data in Hockey - Focused on the 25th Barcelona Olympic Games (Female) - 자연과학편 : HOCKEY경기의 Event - data 고찰 - 제25회 Barcelona Olympic < Fe > 을 중심으로 -
31(2) 403-416, 1992
The Study of Event - data in Hockey - Focused on the 25th Barcelona Olympic Games (Female) - 자연과학편 : HOCKEY경기의 Event - data 고찰 - 제25회 Barcelona Olympic < Fe > 을 중심으로 -
This study is to analyze the situations related to the Event-data in Hockey games. For the efficient performance of this study, the correlation-coefficient in each tournament were investigated.
The results obtained were as follows:
1. The correlation result between sub-event and ranking : (p<0.05, p<0.01)
16yard zone-FOR(-0.3730)
Goals-FOR(-0.7783), AGN(0.5697)
Shots success rate-FOR(-0.8391), AGN(0.6345)
Penalty Corner-AGN(-0.3795)
Penalty Corner Goal-FOR(-0.5669), DIF(0.4378)
Fouls-FOR(-0.8908), AGN(-0.3868)
2. The characteristics of the sub-event related to raking in country:
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The Changes of Agressive Hormone According to Participation To The Competitive Sport 자연과학편 : 경쟁(競爭) 스포츠활동(活動) 참여시(參與時) 공격성(攻擊性) 호르몬 변화(變化)
이강평KangPyungLee , 오상덕SangDuckOh , 은희관HeeGowanEun
31(2) 417-423, 1992
The Changes of Agressive Hormone According to Participation To The Competitive Sport 자연과학편 : 경쟁(競爭) 스포츠활동(活動) 참여시(參與時) 공격성(攻擊性) 호르몬 변화(變化)
이강평KangPyungLee , 오상덕SangDuckOh , 은희관HeeGowanEun
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the participation into competitive sport on sexul hormones relating to agression. Agressive hormones for analysis were testosterone and androgen, blood samples were collected on 3 conditions : rest, the just before game and the just after game. Subjects were 40 volleyball players who were involved amateur(20) and elite player(20).
The following conclusion were made:
1) On comparison of testosteron, there were significant difference between rest and just after game on athletes. There were showed the highest level on the just after game.
2) On comparison of androgen. there were significant difference among groups on ahtletes. There were also showed the highest level on the just after game.
3) But, on nonathletes. there were non-significant difference among conditions on both hormones.
As a conclusion, this study can be suggested that elite player has been experienced competitive sports who will express more higher agressive behavior than amateur in the view of physiopsycholoy. So, we should be need physical traning methods with catharsis program for mind control.
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A Study on Cardiovascular Health and Obese Degree of Elementary School Students 자연과학편 : 국민학생(國民學生)의 비만도(肥滿度)와 심혈관(心血管) 건강(健康)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
31(2) 425-436, 1992
A Study on Cardiovascular Health and Obese Degree of Elementary School Students 자연과학편 : 국민학생(國民學生)의 비만도(肥滿度)와 심혈관(心血管) 건강(健康)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
For studying of correlation between items which are measurement cardiovascular health status and obese degree of elementary school students who live in Kwangju city, I measured Physique. Body fat(%). Cardiovascular function of 300(M :150, Fe ; 150) boys and girls, and the Attitude or Practice for obese was determined a questionnaire test, the following in conclusion after analyzed and assessed correlation between items which are measured and this present status.
1. The obese degree results are superior to those of the Overweight and Obesity that 18.0%, 9.3% boys and girls.
2. Body fat test of obese students was showing 23.5±2.6% boys and 27.6±4.8% girls, out body fat test was showed girls are high.
3. Cardiovascular function test, Boys and Girls to obesity students of Systolic blood pressure and Diastolic blood pressure, Boys and Girls to general students of Resting heart rate, are showed high.
4. Boys and Girls to obesity students of Attitude, Boys is obesity students and Girls is general students of Practice are showed high.
5. In the obese students statistical analysis demenstrated significant positive correlation(p<.001) between the level of Body weight and Systolic blood pressure, Systolic blood pressure and Diastolic blood pressure for boys, body weight and Systolic blood pressure for girls,(p<.05) between the level of Systolic blood pressure and Resting heart rate for boys.
6. In the general students statistical analysis demenstrated significant positive correlation(p<.001) between the level of Systolic blood pressure and Diastolic blood pressure for boys. Systolic blood pressure and Resting heart rate for girls,(p<0.5) between the level of Systolic blood pressure and Diastolic blood pressure, Diastolic blood pressure and Resting heart rate for girls.
7. In correlation between items there is almost no relation with those.
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The Comparison for Computer Scoring and Paper Scoring Methods in Boxing Game 자연과학편 : 복싱 경기의 컴퓨터 채점과 페이퍼 채점 방법의 비교 연구
이명천MyungChumLee , 박영조YoungJoPark , 김정수JungSooKim
31(2) 437-443, 1992
The Comparison for Computer Scoring and Paper Scoring Methods in Boxing Game 자연과학편 : 복싱 경기의 컴퓨터 채점과 페이퍼 채점 방법의 비교 연구
이명천MyungChumLee , 박영조YoungJoPark , 김정수JungSooKim
In Boxing game, to find out the differences among the scores of each judges and to find out what differences there are between the computer scoring methods and paper scoring methods.
We have scored nine games selecting representative national players for dispatching to the 90 Asian game held in Peking by computer scoring methods and paper scoring methods at the same time.
And we have reached the following conclusion:
1) Results of two scoring methods in twenty seven rounds, five judges showed the same scores in eleven rounds, they showed the different sores in sixteen rounds.
2) The mean of different score for dicision type in computer scoring methods showed different of 8.7∼2.80, and paper scoring methods showed different of 1.05∼0.80.
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The Peculiarity of Isoklnetic Strength of Speed Skaters 자연과학편 : 스피드 스케이트선수의 등속성 근력의 특성
31(2) 445-454, 1992
The Peculiarity of Isoklnetic Strength of Speed Skaters 자연과학편 : 스피드 스케이트선수의 등속성 근력의 특성
The purpose of this study was to analyze the peculiarity of isokinetic strength of superior speed skaters. Subjects were 8 speed skatres of D university and 8 skaters of K high school.
They were measured and evaluated the strength and the muscular power of 60˚/sec and 180˚/sec work speed and the muscular endurance of 180˚/sec work speed after 25 time of extension excercise.
The findings of this study were as follows:
1. High school group on peak torque strength at the lower work speed. 60˚/sec. was 200±32.96Nm. which was significantly higher than 166±27.02Nm of university group However, university group in ratio of extensor to flexor at the same work speed was 68%, more balanced than 54% of high School group.
2. There was no significant between two groups on peak torque and the ratio of extensor to flexor at the higher work speed of 180˚/sec.
3. Total work of university group on the muscular endurance of legs was 3220 Joules. which was significantly higher than 3143 Joures of high school group. However. there was no significant difference between two groups on the ratio of muscular endurance.
Within the scope of this study, the findings have suggested the following conclusions for the advancement of ability to compete in speed skating : First, the training of superior Korean speed skaters to develop muscular strength. power, and endurance, should be aimed at the peak torque improvement and balanced development of musclar strength for hamstring strength power in case of high school skaters secend, anaerobic power improvement through the interval training should be preceded for the development of muscular endurance.
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The study on the serum lipids and glucose of the middle school students 자연과학편 : 중학생(中學生)의 혈중지질(血中脂質) 및 혈당(血糖) 농도(濃度) 분석(分析)
31(2) 455-463, 1992
The study on the serum lipids and glucose of the middle school students 자연과학편 : 중학생(中學生)의 혈중지질(血中脂質) 및 혈당(血糖) 농도(濃度) 분석(分析)
The purpose of this study was analyze and identify the serum lipids and glucose of the middle school student, in order to utilize them as the basic data for the middle school student s prevention against Ateriosclerosis and Diabetes.
The subpurposes are as follows:
1) To analyze the serum lipids and glucose among three groups.
2) To examine the correlation among each item.
3) Toexaimne the correlation between body wight and other items.
Upuntotal thirty male students of Mok Dong-Middle school were use as subjects and divided into the three groups:(1) the athlete group 10. (2) standard body weight group 10. (3) the over-weight group 10.
To analyze the T-C. HDL-C. LDL.-C. Triglyceride. Glucose after drawing blood from 30 students who had not eaten anything for 12 hours. KMI analyzed it.
Statistical techniques for data analysis were applied to mean. standard deviation. ANOVA-test. and Post hoc comparison test by Newman-Keuls method.
On the basic of the results analyzed in the study. conculsions were drawn as follows:
1) T-C, LDL-C. and TG; concentration of the over-weight group were significantly higher than those of other groups.
2) HDL-C concentration of the athlete group was the highest. but it did not have significantly statistical meaning.
3) There was no difference in Glucose among 3 groups.
4) There was significantly correlation between T-C and LDL-C. TG(P<.05)
5) There was the significant correlation between over-weight and T-C. LDL-C-(P<.05. P<.01)